Internet service

This document governs the Privacy and Cookies Policy of the website, conducted through a website provided at the URL: together with further subpages, hereinafter referred to as "Service". The Service is managed by JAŚKOWIAK NADRA ADWOKACI spółka jawna with its registered seat in Poznań - ul. Garbary 51/5, 61-869 Poznań, using the numbers: KRS: 0000711822; NIP: 7831770017; REGON: 369107025, (hereinafter also as "Company", "Administrator").

  1. Introduction

In the section describing the privacy policy, we inform about the terms and conditions for the collection, processing, use and protection of personal data of Service Users, hereinafter referred to as "Users". Personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by means of an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person. The document also lists the technologies used that involve data processing. These include, for example, browser memory handling, geolocation, and pixel tags. In terms of the cookie policy, we inform about the conditions for storing information or accessing information already stored in the telecommunications equipment of End Users. An End User is considered to be an individual or entity, using a publicly available telecommunications service or requesting the provision of such a service, to meet its own needs.

  1. Declaration

Realizing the overriding goal of respecting the privacy of Users, we strive to exercise all due diligence. In order to meet this goal, we implement the standards and rules arising from generally applicable laws. These include, in particular:

In particular, we make reasonable efforts to ensure that Users' personal information:

The data processed by the Administrator is stored on (1) internal, (2) external, secure and professional servers, either on the basis of the Administrator's own infrastructure or on the basis of contracts concluded by the Administrator. These contracts take into account the appropriate level of data security.

  1. Personal data controller

The administrator of the personal data processed on the Site is the Company, i.e. JAŚKOWIAK NADRA ADWOKACI spółka jawna, based in Poznań - ul. Garbary 51/5, 61-869 Poznań, using the numbers: KRS: 0000711822; NIP: 7831770017; REGON: 369107025,

  1. Information obligation under Article 13 of the RODO on personal data

This Privacy Policy complies with the disclosure requirements of Article 13 of the RODO.

  1. Basis for electronic processing of personal data

We do not process this personal data after your use of the electronically provided service has ended, subject, however, to the continued use of those of the listed data that are:

We process the data obtained in this way on the basis of Article 18 points 1, 2, 5 and Article 19 points 1 and 2 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services

In other cases, we ask you to voluntarily consent to the processing of personal data. The granting of this consent is done in particular by checking the check box ("checkbox"), next to the statement of consent to the processing of personal data.

  1. Entrustment and sharing of personal data

Depending on what data the User has provided to the Administrator and what services the User uses (e.g., an online store), recipients of personal data may be entities:

  1. providing and supporting the Administrator's data communications systems, including for the purpose of operating the Service;
  2. providing postal/courier services;
  3. providing services related to the day-to-day operations of the Administrator (e.g., a marketing agency);
  4. Providing product delivery services;
  5. Providers of online payment services in the online store (e.g. PayU, PayByNet, DotPay);

The legal basis for the entrustment of personal data was Article 31 of the Law of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data, and is now the provisions of the RODO and the Law of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data.

We do not share the collected data with third parties, except when required by generally applicable law, i.e. on the basis of a request from an authorized body or court.

  1. User Privileges

As a User, you have the right to: (1) access to the content of your data, (2) rectification, (3) deletion, (4) restriction of their processing, (5) data portability. The exercise of the rights referred to above can be done by indicating your requests and sending them to the Administrator at the e-mail address:

In case of any doubts related to the processing of personal data, the User may contact the Administrator by e-mail at the following address with a request for information. Notwithstanding the above, if the User believes that the Administrator processes his/her personal data in violation of the provisions of the RODO, he/she has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

  1. Server logs

These are internal event logs of the Service's server, automatically recording page requests that are sent when Users use the Service. System logs include the page request sent by the User, IP address, browser type, browser language, date and time of the request, and at least one "cookie" that can uniquely identify the User's browser.

The data collected in the system logs may be used by us for an unspecified period of time, for the sole purpose of administering the Service. They are not transferred to third parties, except under the circumstances described herein.

In connection with the use of the Service by Users, we may automatically collect and record in server logs technical details about the use of the services, requests sent by the User related to the provision of electronic services, IP address and technical data about the operation of the Service in connection with activities performed by the User. This includes, in particular, information about the beginning, end and scope of each use of the service provided electronically. We may also collect information for the purpose of storing it locally on the User's device using the browser's memory mechanism.

  1. Cache

In providing services to Users, we may automatically use the cache memory of the User's browser, application or device. This use involves storing data in the memory of the browser, installed on the User's device. Within the local memory, it is possible to store data inter-sessionally, i.e. between consecutive sessions of the User. The purpose of using the cache is to speed up the use of the Website, by eliminating the situation in which the same data would be downloaded from the Website repeatedly, thereby overloading the User's Internet connection.

  1. Geolocation

If you give us such consent, we or third parties, through cookies administered by them, may use geolocation functionality to collect and process information about your whereabouts. For this purpose, data may be processed: IP number, from a GPS sensor, from a Wi-Fi point or from mobile network base stations.

  1. Pixel tag

Either we or third parties, through cookies administered by them, can use the functionality of pixel tags. These are elements published in digital content and allow us to record information, for example, about your activity on the website.

  1. Pliki cookies – wprowadzenie

In the course of providing services to Users, we use professional technologies to collect and save information, such as cookies. These are commonly used, small files containing a string of characters that are sent to and stored on the terminal device (e.g., computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) used by the User when they visit the Website. This information is sent to the clipboard of the browser used, which sends it back the next time the User visits the Website. Cookies contain information necessary for proper use of the Website. Most often they contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number.

  1. Basis for processing cookies

Users who use services provided electronically through the Website are asked to voluntarily consent to the processing of cookies by storing information or accessing information already stored in their telecommunications terminal equipment.

Consent to the processing of cookies is granted in particular by using the button containing a statement of consent to the processing of cookies or confirming that you have read its terms and conditions. This consent can be withdrawn at any time, free of charge and described in the section on cookie management. We process cookies on the basis of Article 173 of the Act of July 16, 2004. Telecommunications Law.

  1. What cookies may we use?

We can categorize cookies according to three methods of division.

In terms of the purposes of using cookies, we distinguish between three categories of them:

In terms of their expiration time, we distinguish between two categories of cookies:

In terms of distinguishing the entity that administers cookies, we distinguish:

  1. Administrator's cookies

The Administrator's cookies make it possible to recognize the User's device and display the Website tailored to the User's individual expectations, making it easier and more pleasant to use its functionality. Thanks to saving these files on the User's device, it is possible, for example, to remember login data, maintain a session after logging in, remember selected goods or services, or adjust to the User's preferences, such as the arrangement of content, language or its color.

  1. Third-party cookies

The Company may use cookies used by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States as part of its services:

The administrator may use cookies used by Facebook Inc. 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States. These files may be used to connect the User's accounts: in the external social network Facebook with the account of the Service, if the Administrator provides such functionality and the User agrees. These files may also be used to process the User's activities on Facebook, performed with the "Share" or "Like" buttons. The processing of these activities may be public in nature.

The use of third-party cookies is subject to the privacy and cookie policies of these entities. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the personal data processing rules and privacy policies of the entities that are most often and to the fullest extent allowed to process our data:

  1. Managing cookies and other information

Most often, the browser settings allow cookies and other information to be placed on the end device by default. If the user does not agree to the saving of these files, it is necessary to change the browser settings accordingly. It is possible to disable their storage for all connections from a particular browser or for a specific site, as well as to delete them. How you manage your files depends on the software you use. The current file management policy can be found in the settings of the web browser used.

To manage your cookie settings, select your Internet browser/system from the list below and follow the instructions:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Chrome
  3. Safari
  4. Firefox
  5. Opera
  6. Android
  7. Safari (iOS)
  8. Windows Phone
  9. Blackberry

With regard to the information about User preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the User can view and edit the information resulting from cookies using the tool Google Ads Preferences.

For information on how to manage cookies on your cell phone, please refer to the User's Guide of your particular phone.

Consent to the processing of cookies is voluntary. However, please note that restrictions on their use may make it difficult or impossible to use some of the functionality of the Website.

  1. Links to other websites or software

The Website may contain links to other websites or software. We are not responsible for the privacy and cookie processing policies of these websites or software. We recommend that you read the privacy and cookie policies of these websites or software after accessing them or before installing them.

  1. Changes to Privacy and Cookies Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy and Cookies Policy. If we do, we will post an updated version of it on this loca

  1. Contact and submissions

We constantly do our best to process Users' personal data and cookies with the highest standards. Therefore, we have a system in place for immediate response to situations of threats to these standards. If you identify a threat or violation of these standards, please contact us immediately using the details below:


51/5 Garbary St., 61-869 Poznań

phone: +48 (61) 631 12 03

fax: +48 (61) 631 12 05


We would be happy to review any feedback. Therefore, if you have any questions, requests or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data or cookies, we encourage you to contact us.