GIOŚ vehicle as waste

The offer to sell a damaged vehicle from the US can often prove extremely attractive in price, even despite the cost of transportation. However, there is usually a catch - damaged vehicles bought (often even half the price) overseas have titles such as Salvage Certificate of a Vehicle, Nonrepairable Vehicle Title and the like. Due to the existence of such documents, after purchasing a vehicle that is often completely functional, requiring, for example, only the replacement of the bumper, the purchaser of the vehicle may unexpectedly be summoned by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (GIOŚ) to dispose of the vehicle. In such a situation, every effort should be made to have the matter reconsidered by the authority, as the existence of Salvage or Nonrepairable documents does not mean that the vehicle can automatically be considered waste. Problems may also arise at the stage of attempting to register a car for the first time in Poland, when the relevant Department of Communications / County Office will refer the matter to the EIA withholding registration of the vehicle.

#GIOŚ car waste, GIOS auto waste, GIOS car penalty, GIOS USA, GIOS salvage, GIOS nonreperaible, GIOS Vehicle Title, GIOS damaged car.

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Bartosz Nadra
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