The Financial Ombudsman, however, is staying?

It looks like the idea of abolishing the Financial Ombudsman will not pass. According to reports from DGP, further work on the draft law on handling complaints and disputes of customers of financial market entities and on the Financial Education Fund in such a form, in which it would transfer the powers of the Ombudsman to the President of the OCCP, has been abandoned. We previously wrote about the controversy of the draft here.

The draft amendment abolishing the institution of the Ombudsman was submitted to the Sejm in December 2020, and after the first reading was referred to the Committee on Public Finance and further to the standing subcommittee on financial institutions. In both the Sejm and the committee, no agreement could be reached between supporters and opponents of keeping the RF separate. It therefore appears that the draft has gone to the freezer.

That is, we do not need to change the complaint procedure.

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