SME spokesman urges MF to postpone KSeF entry date

Adam Abramovich, spokesman for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, made an appeal to Andrzej Domanski, Minister of Finance, to stagger the implementation of KSeF. He proposed that the system be mandatory for large companies from July 1, 2024, for medium-sized ones from January 1, 2025, and for micro ones from July 1, 2026.

"The amount of the cost of introducing KSe-F in an enterprise is difficult to estimate for now. However, it certainly has to take into account, among other things, the cost of collecting information on KSe-F on one's own, training employees in its use, fees charged for the use of external consulting, or the purchase and maintenance of equipment supporting the platform that communicates with invoicing systems. For many micro and small businesses, these costs will be significant. Surveys show that taxpayers, especially in the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise sector, are not prepared for the mandatory use of KSe-F. Moreover, unprepared for this is a large part of accounting offices." - can be read in the ombudsman's position.

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